Tuesday, November 9, 2010

How does Osiyyah take all his vitamins?

Someone left a question yesterday on the post regarding Osiyyah's vitamins and what he takes.
HOW do you get him to take this stuff? What do you put it in?
 Osiyyah takes his vitamins very easily, because he's been taking it all for so many years now. And he knows he has to take it, so he does it and then just takes a drink afterwards to help wash it down.

The best thing that we've found to mix it in is Apple Butter. It works very well, is a good consistency and seems to mask the taste great. But, most jams, fruit spreads or jellies will work too. Right now we're using homemade Zucchini Marmalade. I know that sounds nasty, but it is actually really good (made with a lot of jello, so you really have no idea it has Zucchini in it!). It mixes pretty well with the vitamins, although it is a bit thinner than Apple Butter.

Over the years we've used quite a few different things....pudding, caramel cream frosting (that worked well too!), natural fruit spreads, apple sauce, and more. But, for us, the apple butter & jams/fruit spreads seem to work the best.

I know some people use it in yogurt. We've never tried that, so not sure how well it would work or not. Others also use it in Smoothies. We don't like to mix it in some big amount of liquid or food, since we want to make sure he gets all the vitamins.



  1. Very sensible not having it in some big lot of food.

    And apple something could be delicious, had for breakfast, lunch and tea.

  2. No, no, no. Zucchini marmalade is proably not that nasty.

    It has some bitterness in it, yes, and some astringency.


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