Tuesday, November 9, 2010

One more mention....

Alright, one more mention of the book. I won't keep posting stuff on it, but like I said in another post, I'm working on making it more available for folks for the next few days, so gotta have a post here and there :).

Today, I added a sale to the book....from now until December 10th, you can get 15% off the book by clicking here.

You can also get an additional 10% off by entering the coupon code "TURKEY" at checkout. So, that gives you 25% off the book! Pretty good deal, especially for a 589 page book!

Share with anyone you think may appreciate it.

Also, don't forget to "Like" the book on facebook, since we'll be giving away a free book when we reach 100 "Likes." We're a little over half way there :)!


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