Monday, November 8, 2010


Well, I'm going to take this week and maybe into next week to add more to the availability of our book. Today, I organized LuLu's storefront page for our book a bit more and also made a hardcover copy of the book available!

Yes, the hardcover is a bit more expensive than the paperback, but that's to be expected. A hardcover is $35.50.

I was also able to successfully get the book back out into the online marketplaces with the ISBN number, as we had a bit of an issue for a little bit with being able to buy from other places (like Amazon, etc).  Our book will also be available on Google's Book search within about 8 weeks, Lord willing. It will have a 20% preview available.

Stay tuned for more exciting things to come with the book. Don't forget to "Like" it on facebook on the left side of the blog here ;).


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