Saturday, February 4, 2012

7 Blessed Years!

This month O and his twin sister, Yo, turn 7 years old! It's amazing to think they are already 7. Wow, times flies!

It feels like just yesterday that we had that chaotic and stressful, yet joyful day at the hospital.

My sister and I waited outside the operating room where my mom was having the twins (she was in the OR in case she had to have a C-section) to hear the news of if they had been born yet or not. Soon enough, two nurses rolled the twins by in a little cart, slowing down just enough to let us take a peek at them, as they continued on their way to the NICU.

That day changed our lives for the better. Within minutes my dad came out of the NICU and told us it looks like there might be some "bad news." Our hearts sank, not knowing what he was going to say. He then continued, "it looks like the little boy might have Down syndrome." Hearing him say that was to our immediate relief. We both thought, "oh, that's not bad." That's where our journey began and Lord willing, He will give us many more blessed years with O (& Yo).

The twins would stay in the NICU for 2 weeks (Yo was released after 6 days). It was a trying 2 weeks to say the least. O came home on oxygen and had oxygen for 6 weeks after coming home. That was a new challenge as well, but we learned how to cope with it quickly.


Yo is a blessing and a big helper, both for O and the rest of the family. She's a very independent little girl (in a good way) who learns things quickly.

O brings much laughter and fun to the family. He most certainly takes life a little slower and laid back, but it's good to slow down in life sometimes :).

It's neat to have a little boy who at 7 years old......still likes to be cozy and cuddly with his siblings when he wakes up in the morning (he normally sits on my lap while I'm doing work at the computer when he wakes up in the morning). And who likes to have someone be cozy with him when he goes to bed at night.

We find ourselves doing the funniest things sometimes, because O gets so excited over it and it makes us all laugh. For their birthday, we had a little picnic in the forest on our property. It was O's idea and he was so excited. Little Yo was pretty thrilled as well, but O's a little goofier than Yo. So while O claps while jumping up and down with excitement, Yo will just be smiling.

The last 7 years have had their share of trials, but more importantly, many blessings.

Country Girl Designs


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