Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Life On The Ranch: Winter Walk

I've been a total slacker when it comes to blogging lately. I just haven't had enough time to blog on a regular basis at the moment, although hopefully I'll be able to start picking up on the blogging.

For now, I will share some pictures from a walk I went on with the kiddos the other day. This winter has been so incredibly mild, I almost feel like I'm in a winter from the California High Desert again :).

We've had so many beautiful days that are 50-60 degrees.

Although the temperature doesn't feel like winter, it certainly looks like it with all the bare trees.

Peppy, the llama. He's a funny little character!

O wanted to play a hide-and-seek game on the walk, so we all did.

O's trying to find the rest of the kiddos!

O checking out something up high :).

Country Girl Designs

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