Saturday, October 1, 2011

31 for 21: It's October (already)!

Wow, it's hard to believe it's already October 2011. The year has gone by so fast. But, with October comes National Down Syndrome Awareness Month (and also a whole host of other "such and such awareness month", but we aren't focusing on that!).

As I mentioned before and as we did last year, we are taking on the 31 for 21 blog challenge. The goal is to post a blog a day for the month (31) of October, because of Trisomy 21.

Head on over to Unringing The Bell, sign up for the challenge and grab the button. If you happen to miss a day, that's okay. It's a challenge, but is a lot of fun and quite rewarding. It spreads the word about people with DS and I've gotten a lot of emails and comments doing this.

There You Are
by Robbin Lyons

There you are.
What will you become?
And here I am
Feeling overcome
And they say
You’ll struggle thru your days
Oh, what will you become,
My precious little one?
And there you are,
So different from the rest.
And here am I,
Felling I’ve been blest.
Each day is new.
Each day a test.
But, we get through,
No different from the rest.
And there you are.
Looking almost grown.
And here am I,
Welcoming you home.
I never knew,
You’d make it on your own.
You really found your way
And never once afraid.
And there you are,
So different from the rest.
And here am I,
Feeling I’ve been blest.
Each day is new.
Each day a test.
But, we get through,
No different from the rest.
And there you are
No different from the rest.
And here am I
How was I so blest?
You’ve made my life
No ordinary path
So different from the rest.
I know that I was blest.
You’ve made my life
No ordinary path
So different from the rest.
Thank God,
I truly have been ….BLEST

Country Girl Designs

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