Sunday, September 25, 2011

October is almost here....the 31 for 21 Blog Challenge!

October is National Down Syndrome Awareness Month and it's right around the corner! And with that comes the 5th annual 31 for 21 blog challenge hosted by Unringing The Bell. The goal is to post a blog a day for the whole month of October to increase awareness about Down Syndrome.

The posts don't have to be related to DS, but of course that's a plus :). So, I've been planning posts that I can do in October. Hopefully we can keep it informative and interesting! Posts with recipes, pictures, guest bloggers and lots more :).

Unringing The Bell will put a more detailed post up with the linky to put your blog on and also the grab-button to put on your blog to show you are participating in it.

I am looking for a few folks who would be willing to write a guest post for our blog. It can be any number of topics on DS....if you have an idea, shoot me an email (qf {at} gotdownsyndrome {dot} net) or leave a comment here and I will let you know if I think that will be a good topic and we can go from there.

If you're on twitter, you can use the hashtag #31for21! Hopefully you'll see a lot of posts under that hashtag!

Country Girl Designs

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