Friday, October 21, 2011

31 for 21: Glyconutrients

There are so many supplements that fly around in the Down Syndrome world. So many different things people try. Some of them are helpful. Some of them are good. Some of them are wacky. Some of them are not helpful. Some are just plain off the wall!

I hope to go over a few more of these as well.

One supplement which people use at times and is brought up often, is Glyconutrients.

First off, the term "Glyconutrients" refers to 8 essential sugars. There are several groups out there which claim you need these "8 sugars" to proper health. One of the most prominent being Mannatech, which is a Multi-Level Marketing company.

Personally, I believe Glyconutrients are a big hype, that isn't worth giving as a supplement. I've looked at it more than once over the years.

The biggest clincher for me, though, to really question glyconutrients for people with DS, is that they are just a bunch of sugars. Sugars are pro-oxidant. People with DS are already battling a pro-oxidant state & lots of oxidative stress (due the 3rd chromosome). Therefore, it makes me question why or how it could be good to supplement sugars. They may appear to be beneficial at the moment, it just makes me wonder what kind of impacts they will really have down the road. Oxidative stress & a pro-oxidant state = mental retardation, alzheimer's disease, cancer, leukemia, and all sorts of bad things.

When I researched glyconutrients, I searched high and low for the research which Mannatech claims is out there to show that there are these "8 essential sugars" that you body needs and I couldn't find anything. To this day, I cannot find any unbiased (or even biased, because there is a lot out there!) research which shows you need these sugars.

Glyconutrients are found in just regular fruit & vegetables that your child may eat, so why supplement with sugars that are pulled out of this?

Country Girl Designs


  1. Hi Qadoshyah,
    What do you think about using goji berries which is high in antioxidant and at the same time containing 30% polysacharrides? I tried Goji to my son for about a week and he seems to catch up things faster. But its just a week, to early to conclude. But I'm also worry since they already have problem with the sugars.

  2. Goji berries are an excellent source of antioxidants. I don't see any problem with them and the natural sugars they have in them.

  3. Hello, I respect your opinions on Glyconutrints, but feel they are misguided. There is plenty of science behind Glyconutrients. Look up or I know plenty of people who have been helped enourmously with Glyconutrients, myself included. I feel it is sad that you have dismissed them when they have such huge proven health benefits for adults and children with health concerns. I feel you should direct people to the sites above and allow them to decide. I hope you approve this blog. Thank you. Jane


  4. Hello, I respect your opinions on Glyconutrints, but feel they are misguided. There is plenty of science behind Glyconutrients. Look up or I know plenty of people who have been helped enourmously with Glyconutrients, myself included. I feel it is sad that you have dismissed them when they have such huge proven health benefits for adults and children with health concerns. I feel you should direct people to the sites above and allow them to decide. I hope you approve this blog. Thank you. Jane


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