Thursday, October 20, 2011

31 for 21: 2011 Buddy Walk!

The DSAT Buddy Walk was this past Sunday, October 16th. It was lots of fun and everyone had a good time.

This year the walk was at a bigger park with a live band (Samantha Rose....who is an excellent singer). Samantha's little sister happens to have Down Syndrome!

Here are a few pictures from the walk:

Some of our friend's who were a sponsor at the walk (they did ALL the banners, signs, bookmarks in the registration bags, etc).

Getting a group picture taken!

The stage....

Getting the Borden cow mascot!

My sister and the police man and his dog that's at the buddy walk every year. Normally my sister has her big bullmastiff boy with her too, but it was too warm to bring him Sunday.

Playing on one of the bounce houses

Everyone lining up to walk

The start of the walk (led by the police)

Then the bag pipe band

And the little race cars

Then the self advocates

The long line of the walk

Sitting around after the "long" walk

Waiting in line for O to get his Buddy Walk patch.

The 2011 Buddy Walk Patch!

Now time to clean up!

Talking to the singer, Samantha Rose.

Playing with the bundle of balloons that we took down from the start of the walk.

Country Girl Designs

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