Friday, April 22, 2011

Recipe 13: Ranch Dressing

A few months ago I posted a recipe for an Italian dressing. I thought I would post up some more recipes for some more homemade salad dressings. We pretty much have to make every salad dressing from scratch. If it doesn't have wheat or cow dairy in it, then it'll have some kind of corn product, which is a no-no in our family also.

That's fine though. I think homemade dressings taste better anyways :)!

So, today's dressing recipe is a recipe that was actually requested back at the time I put up the Italian dressing, but the recipe kept getting lost.

Mom's Ranch Dressing
(Remember you can use the printer friendly button at the bottom to print it)

1 cup mayo
2 to 5 garlic cloves (just depends on how "garlicy" you want it)
4-5 green onions
a dash of salt
a dash of pepper

Mix all of the above in a food processor or blender. Then add some milk (we use goat milk) to the desired thickness or thinness.



1 comment:

  1. Well, it was more than worth the wait.

    It's been used as a bargaining chip (unintended pun) for the last few months.

    We love homemade dressings!


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