Friday, April 1, 2011

Joinin' the Virtual Party

Well, well, I just found out about the 5th annual Ultimate Blog Party 2011 which 5 Minutes for Mom is putting on. I thought I would join in on it, since it sounds like a fun, easy way to get more blog exposure & visit other blogs. (As well as possibly win some door prizes.)

So, here we go!

I've heard about 5 Minutes for Mom before, because of their co-blog, 5 Minutes for Special Needs. Tammy & Parker (her blog is down right now) are one of the contributors to the 5 Minutes for Special Needs blog. I've mentioned Tammy & Parker before in this post, because of Parker's other special needs that are not related to Down syndrome.

I think our blog would go under the category of "Specialty Blogs." It's not exactly an everyday occurance to find a blog written by a girl who's in a family of 13, on a 44 acre ranch, with a little brother with Down syndrome and who has a load of food allergies/intolerances in her family!

This blog is written, just as the title explains to share what we have learned over the 6 years since O has been in our family. And since our journey with Down syndrome started.




  1. Stopping by from the Ultimate Blog Party! It is so nice to "meet" you. I hope you're having a great day. I'm following now so I'll see you around!

  2. The oldest of 11, that's insane! (In a good way.) Glad to have found you, I'm here from UBP11. I'm sure O is very special to you.

    Hope you'll stop by my place:

  3. love your blog...I recently became the aunt to a nephew who was diagnosed with down syndrome shortly after birth. He is a blessing to our entire family already!! found you via blog party!!

  4. Your blog is lovely. Just stopping in from the UBP11. I look froward to browsing your blog.

    I blog about special needs as well.

    Nice to meet you,

  5. Hey there! I'm at the UBP11 too! So cool to see you there.

  6. Hi,stopping by while on the UPB tour. We're considering adopting a special needs child (DS)thru Nice to meet you. I will come back and visit ya after the party settles down.

    Have fun!


  7. Hello! Love your blog - it is so touching and just hit "Follow" button. Find me at
    P.S. Also if you can find a minute today and vote for me as elenka29 here
    (it's a competition that ends 04/04 at 8 pm CT to get into fitness bootcamp for moms. There is no registration - just click and submit). Looking forward to reading more of your posts

  8. Stopping by from the UBP and finding this an interesting place to visit. My granddaughter is on the autism spectrum so your idea for this blog definitely interests me.

    gail at

  9. Hi! I'm a new follower through UBP2011! You blog sounds very interesting and sweet.

    You can check out my blog here:


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