Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Life On The Ranch: Milkin' Time

Well, this time of year chores on the ranch increase quite a bit. Between cleaning stalls & barns from the winter months, animals are having babies which therefore means more goats to milk & babies to bottle.

At the moment, my sister is milking about 16 goats twice a day! It brings in quite a bit of milk for us, thankfully. Since we have the goat milk, we can then make cheese with it!

One of O's favorite times of day is milking the goats in the evening. Most of the time he's sleeping when the morning milking is done, so he gets very excited for the evening milking & feeding routine.

A few days ago he got a new "cowboy shirt," so he was quite excited to milk the goats in it and get his whip!

Waiting to go out the door to the "milking parlor."

One of the goats waiting to come in the gate to be milked.

The first round of goats up on the milk stand.

I'll also include a couple pictures from this morning out in the bunny barn.

The baby llama & puppy watching the cat (can't see him in this pic) eat his food.

One of the barn kitties wanting to snuggle with the baby bunny :).


1 comment:

  1. Love these signs of Spring!!! :) Don't know if you are on Twitter, but actress Patricia Heaton has generously offered to donate $1 for each person who follows Reeces Rainbow on Twitter. She has already tweeted that she has written a check for RR in the amount of $10,000 in the hopes of getting 10,000 people to follow Reeces Rainbow. What a great way to raise money & bring awareness to the cause!


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