Sunday, February 13, 2011

Treadmill Training for Early Walking

Dr. Dale Ulrich has studied & been using treadmill training for infants with Down syndrome to help them learn to walk. He's found that it helps in many areas if the child learns to walk sooner (cognitive help being one of them).

We have his info & articles in our book, but I thought I'd share this .pdf with you. Dr. Ulrich & his team at the University of Michigan have built a small treadmill for this, but it costs $1000. So, to make it more affordable for parents, you can use any treadmill, so long as you can reduce the speed to 1/2 mile per hour.

He explains the above as well as a lot more on how to use it here.



  1. We did some treadmill training with my son & although it's impossible to say for sure, I really think that it may have helped him walk sooner. I definitely think tha tit is something worth exploring for parent sof kids with DS.

  2. I think it is definitely worth exploring. Whether by treadmill training or other means of assistance, I think it is very beneficial to start early. I work with adults with Down Syndrome in the gym setting ( and many of my participants who are 20 and older had never been on a treadmill prior to participating in my group. It has been very beneficial in working on their gait and other areas of fitness.

  3. I think it is definitely worth exploring. Whether by treadmill training or other means of assistance, I think it is very beneficial to start early. I work with adults with Down Syndrome in the gym setting ( and many of my participants who are 20 and older had never been on a treadmill prior to participating in my group. It has been very beneficial in working on their gait and other areas of fitness.

  4. This is a such amazing post. Treadmill training is very beneficial for everyone .I think it is very important to healthy life.


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