Friday, February 18, 2011

Life On The Ranch: Spring is Approaching!

Last week we had yet another snow storm which dumped about another 12" of snow on us. But, thankfully this past week has been warm & sunny. The snow is melted and green grass is starting to grow.

Along with the feeling of an approaching spring and warm weather, comes new arrivals. Goats are having babies. Sheep are having babies. And even the bunnies are having babies. Life is busy on the ranch right now!

In the goats, we've had around 14 babies born in the last week! Which means the milk production for our family goes up.

In the sheep, there's been so many babies born, I don't have any idea on the count of those! All I know is the nursery yard by the front of the house is full of ewes with singles, twins or triplets :).

And even with the baby bunnies. A litter of 10 was born a week ago. They are very cute little babies :).

And since we're on the subject of babies, I have to include a couple pictures of the baby llama, Mr. Peppy. He's such a sweet little guy!

Since this is mainly a picture post, I'll also include some sunshine around the farm pictures from yesterday.


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