Saturday, November 6, 2010

Osiyyah's Vitamins Part 1

We have a list of the vitamins Osiyyah takes on the website, but I thought I'd break it down into a couple blog posts with reasons for why we give them.

1)- 3/4 of a scoop Nutrivene-D Advanced Daily Antioxidant Supplement (Microencapsulted powder)
2)- 2 Nordic Naturals ProDHA Strawberry Flavored gel cap
3)- 1 capsule (25 mgs) Nutricology Zinc Citrate
4)- 1/4 teaspoon (1 dropper/100mg) of Honeycombs Liquid Ginkgo Biloba
5)- 2,000 IU's (1 drop) Carlson's Liquid Vitamin D
6)- 1 teaspoon (2,000mgs) Nutrivene Longvida Curcumin Powder
1) I think it's pretty obvious why we give Nutrivene-D. No explanation necessary there, I don't think :)!

2) DHA is extremely beneficial for the neurological concerns and the brain. We give him the strawberry flavored gel caps since they don't taste as bad as plain fish oil caps.

3) Zinc is often times low in people with Down syndrome and Osiyyah happens to be one of those. If he doesn't take 25 extra mgs of zinc a day, his zinc will be borderline low or deficient. That 25mgs of zinc is in addition to the 9 that is already in his dose of Nutrivene-D.

4) Ginkgo Biloba is a GABA antagonist and helps with some of the neurological pathways that need addressing in Down syndrome.

5) Vitamin D is extremely good for the immune system & bone health. It has recently been recommended to give additional Vitamin D, so we do that.

6) Longvida Curcumin is a very helpful antioxidant and has many other benefits for neurons and neurological concerns. We give it in the morning because we've noticed a big difference in Osiyyah compared to when we give it at night (more on that in another post, Lord willing!)

Part 2, with Osiyyah's evening vitamins, will come soon, Lord willing!



  1. Hi,
    My son has downs and tends to be low in vitamin D and Iron. He is 22 months now I have tried to give him nutrivene D and its a tremendous struggle. It usually ends up all over my face when he spits it back. Do you have any suggestions on how to get him to take it?

  2. Have you tried the Nutrivene-D Microencapsulated powder? It helps mask the taste tremendously. We mix it in a small amount of Apple Butter and he is able to take it that way.


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