Friday, November 5, 2010

On Facebook!

I was corresponding with a mother who has a little boy with Down syndrome this past week and she was asking about different ways that we have advertised our book. She was giving ideas to help us get it out there more and advertise it more, since she has benefited from it so much.

One of the things we talked about was facebook. So, I decided to make a facebook page for it.

You can "Like" it on the left hand side of the blog, or you can click here to go to the page.

I will be adding some new things soon too. We'll be making a hard cover copy of our book available and also offering a special discount for a certain amount of time! Stay tuned :).

When the page gets to 100 "Like's", I'll have a drawing for one person to receive a free book! So, share with your friends and anyone you know who would benefit from this book.


1 comment:

We enjoy reading the comments and thoughts from everyone! Leave us a note and it will be posted after I have read it :).