Sunday, October 17, 2010

31 for 21: Recipe 8...Zesty Coleslaw

This is a staple recipe in our house whenever we have cabbage. I found the original recipe from, but changed it up quite a bit to what we had on hand and how we liked it. And it turns out great every time!

Zesty Coleslaw

1 head of cabbage, shredded
3-4 carrots, shredded
1 cup Mayonnaise
1 cup Ceasar dressing
1 ½ teaspoons vinegar
1 ½ tablespoons dill dressing mix (or just straight dill)
3 ½ tablespoons sugar (brown or white, or a combination of both)


1. Shred the cabbage & carrots.

2. Mix together the dressing ingredients.

3. Pour the dressing on the cabbage and carrots and mix together until all is evenly coated.

When this post goes up, we should be at the DSAT Buddy Walk, getting all the animals and everything set up!



  1. Have a great Buddy Walk.

    Your coleslaw looks similar to ours.

  2. That's an easy one. Should try it.

    Have a good walk!


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