Monday, October 18, 2010

31 for 21: Buddy Walk 2010

Yesterday was the 8th Annual Down Syndrome Association of Tulsa Buddy Walk. It's always a great event! And it was no exception yesterday :). We arrived around noon, since we had a lot to set up - the petting zoo & Reece's Rainbow table. The event started about 1:30 and the actual walk was around 3pm.

The animals were a big hit...we had 5 goats, 1 sheep, 5 rabbits and of course my sister's Bullmastiff, Canuck. It worked out really well and went very smooth for this being the first time we had done any kind of petting zoo.

Some of the sponsors of our walk are McDonald's, Borden's, Panera Bread & Merritt's. They all provide food for free for the event, which helps make it a great turn out. DSAT always does a great job with getting a lot of fun, free events & food!

Two of the bunnies :)

The petting zoo area lookin' pretty "professional" for a first time!

Canuck getting some attention.

Old friends meeting again...this police dog was there last year, so it was fun to see him & his owner again.

One of the little goats on a leash getting some attention.

Osiyyah walking "Cutie."

The Reece's Rainbow table also went really well. We passed out tons of brochures and magnets. All the bags were given away too and we only came home with one mug and one pen (oh and a few brochures & magnets)!

One note though....If you're running an RR table at an event, the best way to get the magnets & brochures given out is to walk the crowds and hand them out. We walked the crowds several times and handed out tons that way. We also stood on the side of the track and handed out the brochures as the walk was going on. And if you have any Buddy Walk Volunteers around, give some to them to hand out. We did that and they gave out quite a few for us!

And, we also got to see several RR kiddos at the walk! Justine Foster & her kids, including Timothy (adopted from Hong Kong earlier this year) were there. The Urban family was also there. They adopted Ava from the Ukraine 2 years ago and just brought home 2 more kiddos from the Ukraine this summer....Joseph & Zoya (she doesn't have DS, she has a cleft palate). It was nice to see them all in person (again for Ava, as we met in person earlier this year ;)) and they are all so cute!

Me at the RR table :). My sisters did help, they just weren't in this picture.

And we can't leave out the 3 RR kiddos....from L to R, Ava Urban, Tim Foster & Joseph Urban. Aren't they all so cute! This picture is from Charissa, as somehow I managed not to have my camera on me when the kids were lined up. Lil Zoya isn't in the picture, but she was busy collecting all the suckers she could find from the hay stack :)!

We had to have a carnival game at our table to help draw people to it (one of the "rules" of our buddy walk). We had a "Hay Stack Find" and it was definitely a huge hit! Just about all 250+ candies hidden in it were found :).

And I guess I should also include a few pictures of the actual walk :).

O's Ranch Hands towering over the walk, LOL!

And we even got a bit of dancing in (a few times)....this picture is from Charissa also :).


1 comment:

  1. The Buddy Walk must have been a highlight of your year.

    Enjoyed seeing the hay stack, and also the three Reece's Rainbow kids. The two Urbans and the boy from Hong Kong.

    And I'm sure your sisters were working the athletic track.

    The police dog was just incredible!


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