Monday, June 14, 2010

TalkTools -Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson- Video Online

Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson (TalkTools) has a blog. She recently gave a presentation at ASHA on the benefits of and the "why" behind Oral Placement Therapy (previously known as Oral Motor Therapy). It's taken her a bit of time to get the video of the presentation she did up online and this is why:

Sara said,
I didn't feel it was appropriate to film while at ASHA so I had to give the presentation to a camera instead of an audience, never my favorite. So, now you know why the long delay, but you also now have access to the video!

So, the original presentation isn't filmed, but she re-did if for everyone to have access to and to see! Thanks Sara :)!

The video and the handouts that go with it can be seen at This should be very informative and a great resource for parents, therapists and professionals alike! Feel free to pass this on to anyone you feel would be interested.



  1. Thanks for posting the link-I'll certainly watch the video later. I found someone in Johannesburg who orders Talk Tools and apparently there are some ST's there who are very pro-Talk Tools. The videos are very expensive for us, but the club their money together and watch the videos as a serious. I have ordered the purple bite blocks for my son, and will go back to your earlier post to see what you have done. I think I need to drop you an e-mail, since I also have to do some gluten free baking for 2 of my 4 sons. I baked the shortcake on Sunday night, but didn't have enough rice flour, so I used 2 parts brown rice flour, 1 cup maize starch and 1 cup tapioca flour. I think it came out very well. Didn't do the syrup thing, but cut it into fingers and dried it in the oven to eat as rusks.

  2. That's great, Karien!

    Glad the shortcake came out well, even with a bit of a flour adjustment :). Feel free to pop me an email anytime!

  3. Much appreciated.

    Rosenfeld-Johnson is a professional, and a great one.

    Interesting to hear the Talk Tools people.

    Could your son use a vuvuzuela, such as colours the World Cup?

  4. Yeah, I think Osiyyah probably could use a Vuvuzuela. It may be a bit tricky for him to blow at first, but I'm sure he could figure it out.


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