Monday, June 14, 2010

Gluten Free Kitchen Time!

This is probably a record - 4 blog posts in a day :). Hopefully it helps keeps things interesting for ya'll!

We've done quite a decent amount of gluten-free baking lately. My 11 year old sister is the queen of the kitchen and making all the "goodies" for the house. She's come up with some amazingly delicious GF recipes. She blogs all her favorite recipes on her blog, along with her photography. She has some great kitchen & photography skills at such a young age :). Check out her blog and leave her some comments . . . I'm sure she'd enjoy it!

Our newest quest has been to do flourless baking. We've actually been quite successful so far. I made a Flourless Chocolate Cake for my brother's birthday party on Saturday. It was a hit. So rich, moist and delicious! I found the recipe by just browsing through, followed it exactly and the cake turned out great. I used 3 bags (11.5 oz each) of Ghiradelli Bittersweet Chocolate Chips.

This is a flourless Peanut Butter Cookie my little sister made. It was a big hit at my brother's party . . . even among our friends who aren't totally "gluten-free." It's a recipe that you'd never know was "Gluten-Free" or even Flourless for that matter!

I decided to make some biscuits (using our favorite recipe that I posted sometime ago) this afternoon. But, when Osiyyah heard I was heading into the kitchen he asked if I was going to make "No Wheat Tookies" (Cookies). So, I went ahead and made some no-bake cookies that he could help me with before going onto the biscuits.

The biscuits were a hit again and all 29 of them were gone at dinner time. They were especially yummy with homemade butter & homemade blueberry jam on them!



  1. Oh they look SO delicious.

    Do you have any gluten-free pikelets? (They are a type of pancake and they are tiny).

  2. No, we don't have any GF Pikelets . . . never even heard of them before ;)!

  3. Here they are:

    (three separate recipes. Several come from New Zealand. They seem to be popular among mothers' groups and religious services).

    The first gluten free pikelet recipe

    An article from about gluten-free pikelets

  4. Exciting,
    i just came here first time,
    but i'm interested in glutenfree recepies while we are praying about adoption through RR and there is this little guy with suspected celiac disease that we are in love with so i might come by more often to try some of the posted recipies!


We enjoy reading the comments and thoughts from everyone! Leave us a note and it will be posted after I have read it :).