Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Waiting . . .

Still waiting on the results of Osiyyah's celiac screening & food allergy testing. The Dr's office has been a bit slow since the lab gal was out sick for a couple days I guess. (Yes, I've been calling every day to find out what's up with them ;)!)

But, since the labs were in, my dad is picking up a copy of the results today. So, at least we'll get to see what the results were. I've read quite a few lab work results over the years now, so I'm sure we'll be able to see at least some of what's going on. The celiac antibody screening isn't that hard to read anyways . . . it's just antibody levels.

We have at least anecdotal evidence that Osiyyah can't tolerate wheat/gluten. He hasn't had a single reflux episode since we cut out all wheat & gluten. Yay!

Stay tuned to see if there's anything exciting with the results . . .


1 comment:

  1. We will!

    Lab results are really interesting. I ended up reading some of my Uncle's and he said they were within range for what they were measuring.

    Good on you for being persistent.


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