Wednesday, March 17, 2010


We got the copy of the lab results yesterday afternoon. I've got a few people to talk to and some questions to go over before I'm totally sure where his labs are at.

The food allergy panel came back showing NO allergies at all. Nothing to wheat, gluten, barley or even cow milk. Which is really odd, because we know he has a reaction to any kind of cow dairy he has. And he seems to have a reaction to any wheat/gluten, since he's been reflux free for a couple weeks now.

The celiac panel looks alright too, but there are a couple antibody tests that are elevated, but not out of range. I'm going to do some research and see if those elevated levels (IGA & IGG) have anything to do with celiac.

So, Osiyyah has us puzzled at the moment ;). Does anybody have any experience with actually having celiac, but not all the test coming back elevated or positive? Any thoughts on an elevated IGA or IGG?



  1. Then it must be an intolerance rather than an allergy.

    (That's my quick, knee jerk reaction).

    And it's a long time since you've been feeding Q these foods.

  2. Also there are different target organs, for instance, the ones which are not the skin.

    And IgA is worrying.

  3. I am told food allergies tests can be thrown off by changing one's nutrition before the tests... for example, within the 2-3 week window beforehand. Not sure how applicable that is.

  4. My friend who has celiac told me that the only definitive test for celiac is a biopsy and that the blood test is not reliable. I was also told that that if you restrict the foods that you are testing in allergy testing, the results may not be accurate. Hope this helps.

  5. Goldie tested neg to dairy also. But, her GI dr told me the allergy blood tests are useless. He said the only way to identify an allergy /intolerance is through an elimination diet. Dairy was the most common one he sees.

  6. It was interesting to read about the elimination diet(s) which are practised today.

    The classic one is possibly the Feingold diet, to which I was first exposed in 1991, and subscribed to a mailing list some 10 years later.

    IgG is to do with the immune system, and IgA is a primary deficiency. Most allergies which I know of are of IgE form.

    Donna Williams has lots of information about it.

    There are 2 chief reactions: metabolic (watch out for this) and pharmacological (watch out even more as they may be drug-like).


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