Friday, September 14, 2012

A Crazy Few Months

Well, it's been a couple months since I blogged on here...and even longer than that since I blogged on a regular basis, as I had been.

It's been a crazy few months around here.

Being involved in politics has taken me many different places. It's brought new things into my life. And I've had to deal with things I never would have thought I would be involved in. But, it's been great and I wouldn't change anything.

One of those experiences was a trip to the Republican National Convention in Tampa the end of August. Because of certain circumstances and the work I was doing, I was in Florida for 2 weeks from around the 20th of August until September 1st. It was the most exhausting two weeks of my life. It was filled with lots of stress & tears, yet balanced with much laughter and an encouraging time with my fellow liberty delegates & supporters.

Because so much went on while I was in Tampa, I won't share it all here. But, if you're curious to read about it, you can check out my political blog (I wrote 6 posts regarding Tampa ;)) here.

While I'm here: Remember that October is right around the corner which is Down Syndrome Awareness Month (31 for 21 blogging should be coming, Lord willing :))!

I'll just close this out with a few pictures from Florida.

My sister, Suriyah & I with Congressman Justin Amash from Michigan.

One of the few moments we had to sit down at the RNC.

One of the beach-front condos we stayed in down in Ft. Pierce.

Ft. Pierce - we had a couple day break before the craziness of the RNC started again :).

A beach front house Oklahoma's delegation rented.

We attended a 2-day festival and then also a rally where we listened to lots of great speakers and a couple great musicians, like Jordan Page below.

We met so many great people who we had made friends with online. Mat Larson, below, was one of them. He stayed with us in our condo for a couple nights.

Inside the Convention:

The waves by our condo in Indian Shores...they were pretty big one day because of Hurricane Isaac.

Another one of the great people we met online and were able to meet in person, Jay Lake from Nevada.

A press conference we held one day:

My "liberty sister", Ashley Ryan from Maine.

My sister, Suriyah & I at one of the house's Oklahoma's delegates rented...we had a birthday party here with 225+ people from 33 states for one of our delegates :).

The last night in Florida with the Lake's.

Country Girl Designs

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