Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Down Syndrome Track at AutismOne Conference 2012

Andi Durkin has been working on putting a Down Syndrome Information "track" together at the Autism One Conference 2012. Here's the rest of the information from Andi's blog, Down Syndrome: A Day to Day Guide.

Our sessions are scheduled for Thursday, May 24, 2012. The conference will be held in Lombard, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. The five-day conference is free, with a nominal $25 material/ handling fee. 

Down Syndrome Track Session Overview

All T21 sessions are located at room Grand CD and will be presented one after the other with comedian and father to child w/T21, Bob Orvis as MC.
This information below is accurate, the schedule on the AutismOne website is not correct. 

Dawn of a New Decade
8:00 am - 8:55 am
Jane Winans, parent of a thriving child with Down syndrome, shares her journey and discusses biomedical options she used for her daughter. Hear from 10-year old, Lydia, in this moving opening session designed to enlighten and empower parents. Click to see video 1 and video 2 of Lydia.
Why talk about Down syndrome at an Autism Conference?
9:00 am - 9:55 am
Parent-researcher, Laurette Janak, relates similarities in health histories between DS and ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) families and how we can best learn from them. Woven into the discussion will be valid, scientific reasons for trying biomedical options. 

Biomedical Basics: Where to Begin 
10:00 am - 10:55 am

Dr. Norman Schwartz explains how optimizing nutrition, exploring supplementation, monitoring the thyroid, utilizing lab results and avoiding environmental toxins are the building blocks needed to form a solid foundation upon which your child may flourish. 
Trisomy 21: Understanding the Problem
11:00 am - 11:55 am
Dick Deth, PhD shares an easy-to-understand overview of some of the major issues facing our children including the methylation cycle, the Alzheimer's connection, oxidative stress and the effects of GABA overexpression. 

--Lunch Break--

What's Next? Exploring Options
1:00 pm - 1:55 pm
Dr. Anju Usman will explain the next level of biomedical information including optimizing a healthy gut-brain connection, and nutrients for brain repair and neurogenesis, which is the brain's ability to create new brain cells and new connections.
Learn from Jill Rabin, MS, CCC-SLP, how proper nutrition, medical intervention, supplementation and oral motor and communication exercises must all be on track to pave the way to excellent speech. 

The Neurodevelopment Aspect 
Sequential Processing and Alternative Treatment Methods
3:00 pm - 3:55 pm 
Alison Wimmer will explain the fundamentals of neurodevelopment and why it works beautifully with the holistic approach to DS therapy giving our children the opportunity to succeed beyond our expectations.

The Future: Choose Your Own Adventure
4:00 pm - 4:55 pm
Sessions end with each parent's exciting new journey before them. Cheryl Greene will share her time-saving strategies to help parents fit everything in their busy schedules. Andi Durkin (parent to
Jett) will unveil great new resources to support parents as they explore and implement OPTIONS for healthier children including a new Foundation and website with a parent database. The floor will open for questions and answers.

Country Girl Designs


  1. Do you know if you can get the CD of these talk without actually attending? I have an 8 yr old son with DS/ASD but have no way of going to the conference. I would pay the $25 just for the CD! I love your blog, just stumbled upon it last night. Thanks Candace

  2. It's live streamed and a DVD will be available for purchase.


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