Wednesday, March 28, 2012

John Marrs inducted into the National Honor Society!

Breaking the blogging-hiatus for a moment here :).

Jenny Marrs, who I have shared articles from before, wrote me the beginning of March and said the following:

   "We found out yesterday that John will be inducted into the National Honor Society in a ceremony on Monday night.  This is one of the highest honors for a child in High school to acheive, so I thought it was worth sharing."

I asked her for a picture so I could share on the blog and she sent me one. Here it is!


Country Girl Designs

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A brief Hello!

Hello all my blog followers! There haven't been any posts for about a month Time flies. Life gets busy. And sometimes blogging gets put on the back burner.

This pretty much sums up the last month:

Ranch Life...lots of new babies
Political campaigning
Family Life
Website design jobs

That has left little time for blogging. Or should I say, I haven't wanted to take the time to blog, since the other stuff has taken up enough of my time!

Hopefully things will slow down some here and I can start regularly blogging again. I have lots of yummy recipes to blog and lots more. If I can just get a day or two where I can put some scheduled posts together, that'd be great :).

Lord willing that'll be sooner rather than later!

Just wanted to say "Hi" real quickly!

Country Girl Designs

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