Thursday, December 1, 2011

Trienza Enzymes vs Nutrivene Enzymes

Some children with Down syndrome are greatly helped by the addition of enzymes to their diet, in supplementation form. International Nutrition has a Nutrivene Daily Enzyme which is on their recommended protocol.

We have never used the Daily Enzyme, because O has struggled with reflux over the years. Some children have their reflux get better when given certain enzymes, while it may trigger worse reflux for others.

Enzymes can also be helpful to the child if they have trouble digesting certain supplements, have constipation, or just have slow moving bowels.

There are a myriad of enzymes out there. Two that are commonly used by families on the Einstein-Syndrome list (ES) are the Nutrivene Daily Enzyme and the TriEnza by Houston Enzymes. One mom on the ES list shared what they had used for their son and a brief comparison between the two enzymes, as she used both of them.

So, here's a guest post from Jayme O.:

This is by no means an exhaustive comparison, so you will have to do your own research, but here are the basics.
The information about Trienza can be found at this link.  
From what I can see, Trienza is a combination of three of Houston Lab's most popular enzyme combination formulas; No Fenol, Zyme Prime, and AFP-Peptizyde. It is a full spectrum, plant based enzyme formula with enzymes that break down fats, proteins, carbohydrates, phenols, and gluten/casein/lactose.

The information about Nutrivene's enzyme formula can be found here
Nutrivene-D Daily Enzyme contains Amylase (breaks down carbohydrates), Cellulase (breaks down fibers found in fruits and vegetables), Lactase (breaks down milk sugar), and Lipase (aids in fat digestion). It does not contain any enzymes that break down protein. The way they measure their formula is not comparable with the way they measure the enzymes in the Trienza. 
They use different forms of measuring, so it is hard to compare the formulas.

In my experience, I first used the Nutrivene enzymes. At this time Vision was in a constant state of being constipated and really struggled to have a bowel movement. They were often hard and painful to pass. 
Then, when I discovered that the Nutrivene enzymes had rice flour in them (something that Vision is allergic to), I switched to a broad spectrum, plant based enzyme formula from Source Naturals. It seemed to help some with digestion and with helping the constipation, but it certainly didn't stop the constipation issues we were having. It was when I switched to Trienza that things got vastly better for Vision in digesting his food and having softer, easier bowel movements. It is still not perfect for him in the bowel movement area, but it is much improved. I will keep using the Trienza.

Country Girl Designs


  1. Thanks for all the information you give. It's much appreciated.

  2. All the contents you mentioned in post is too good and can be very useful. I will keep it in mind, thanks for sharing the information keep updating, looking forward for more posts. Thanks
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  3. Thank you very much for the sharing. My 4 yo ds kid was struggling with constipation since her stoma closure... i have tried daily enzyme but not 100% helpful. Until I found your post here, then I change to trienza... Now I can say it works!


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