Sunday, December 18, 2011

Helping Sinus Infections

Sinus infections are another common problem present in the cold, winter months. On the post I did last week on Boosting the Immune System, Ellen, asked if I had any tips to share for dealing with sinus infections.

We would use some of the same supplements to boost the immune system (for more dosing details see the link above):

-Vitamin C
-Vitamin A
-Vitamin D
-Vitamin E

But, there are also a few additional things we would do.

-Glutathione Nasal Spray
This is quite easy to make and works wonders for sinus problems. Buy a regular Nasal Saline bottle and add Glutathione to it. We use a liquid GSH called LipoCeutical Glutathione. You can use powdered GSH out of a capsule if you want as well.

For 2/3 cup of saline you would put 150mg of Glutathione (either liquid or opened capsules) and 1/4 teaspoon Xylitol (optional).

Spray this up the nose as often as you would like! It really helps clear the airways quickly and helps make the sinus infection go away.

Another product that can be helpful is Sambucol. We haven't used it, but I know of many others who have used it with great success. Sambucol is a black elderberry extract supplement. They have various formulas - for kids, general immune support, colds, etc.

You may also do daily sinus irrigation to help keep the congestion clear and prevent colds. I know one mom who's ENT recommended this for her son who was regularly having sinus infections and having to go on antibiotics. This one mom, Kelley, found several different sinus irrigation kits for kids, but found one that works very well and gently. It's called SinuCleanse Kids Mist.

Hopefully this will help keep your kiddos free of sinus infections, or at least clear them up before having to go on antibiotics!

Country Girl Designs

1 comment:

  1. As always, thanks for the info :) This is a regular invader of our Eli & we've tried so many different things (HATE antibiotics! Won't use them unless it's absoulutly a have too..& it hasn't been in about 2 years now :) On the Sambucol..Works wonders! :) We've also started using Collodial silver this season (the nose mister) and have seen really great results.


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