Friday, November 11, 2011

New Longvida Research & Survey

Ohio State University did a placebo controlled study on Longvida Curcumin recently. The results are encouraging, but it has raised some questions as to what dosage should be used. I will share more details of the study:

They saw an improvement in antioxidant function in the brain. The reduction in serum of Veg-F, which is a build up of red blood cells, but it is not a good thing, as it can lead to senility. There was also a decrease in beta-amyloid markers. All of these things lead to better brain health, so it is encouraging to see that LC works on a variety of levels.

You can see a video of a brief overview of the research here.

The name of the study is: Broad-spectrum anti-aging effects of low-dose curcumin (as Longvida®) in healthy human subjects.  The Ohio State University, 2011. Manuscript in development

I will share more information regarding the study once I am able to read the abstract and full text.

For us, we are not changing any dosages on Longvida Curcumin at the moment. We are keeping it at the 2000mg/day dosage.

Blake Ebersole from Verdue Sciences is hoping to be able to get a placebo study done on individuals with DS who take Longvida. In light of that, he has put together a short survey for people to fill out to see how much interest there is in this.

The study link is:

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