Saturday, November 26, 2011

Gluten-Free & Dairy-Free Thanksgiving!

We had quite the Thanksgiving get together on Thursday. Lots of food. Lots of family & friends. Lots of fun.

One requirement we had for those who contributed to the meal was that everything had to be gluten-free and (cow milk) dairy-free. It was quite easy to do and very delicious! So, here are a lot of pictures from the day.

We also had an extra challenge in the food department - we had to make a lot of dishes GAPS diet approved, since my brother, dad, sister, aunt, cousin, and a couple friends are on this diet. This wasn't too hard, since all the meat was homegrown meat, and we make everything from scratch. It was just some of the desserts, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, etc, that the GAPS diet folks can't eat.

One picture of the big "Happy Thanksgiving" sign we had hanging!

Veggie platters, deviled eggs (made with GAPS friendly mayonnaise), applesauce (also GAPS friendly)

Salad & toppings

Homemade Thousand Island dressing

Fruit salad with 9 different kinds of fruit


Mashed potatoes and gravy

Green beans with bacon & almonds (the bacon was homegrown & "homesmoked" - very yummy!). Also GAPS friendly.

Meatballs (GAPS friendly)

Strawberry Sauce to put on GAPS Peanut Butter/Squash pancakes

A squash dish for GAPS.

Spaghetti Squash stir fry (also GAPS friendly)

Sweet potatoes with Marshmallows

Cornbread stuffing

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins, Kefir Biscuits & Apple Muffins

Pickled Beets, Pickled Asparagus, Olives & Pickled Corn

And then the drink counter. We didn't want any soda, since we aren't too fond of all the high fructose corn syrup in the soda, so we made homemade sparkling juice drinks. Sparkling Limeade (some that was both GAPS friendly and then a non-GAPS limeade, since it was made with sugar), Sparkling Apple, Sparkling Cranberry-Peach, Ginger Tea and Peppermint Tea.

We also had Jello dishes (with homemade marshmallows).

And of course, the standard Cranberry Sauce.

Popcorn balls

The meat was all roasted in a deep pit. We had to finish it off in the ovens. But, there was Ham, Deer Roast, Duck & Chicken.

And finally the desserts:

Pumpkin Pies (some GAPS friendly), Apple Pie, Frozen Peanut Butter Pie (GAPS friendly), Cranberry Oatmeal Cookies, Oatmeal Cookie Sandwiches, Whoopie Pies, Peanut Butter Truffles, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Fudge, and Double Chocolate Chip Cookies.

There was so much food that was all so good! We're very blessed! Hope your Thanksgiving was good!

Country Girl Designs

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