Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Do Insurances Cover Supplements?

The expense of the many supplements and drugs which people have their child with Down syndrome on, comes up often. Yes, it's not cheap to take Longvida or Nutrivene, or the many other supplements someone may have their child take.

But, it's very worth it!

It's not common for insurances to not be willing to cover Nutrivene or any other supplement. Nutrivene seems to come up the most often with the question "can this be covered by insurance?"

There have been some families who have been able to get their insurance to cover it. I'm not sure how they were able to, but there are a few options that you could try:

-Have your doctor write a prescription for Nutrivene. A prescription is not necessary for your child to take Nutrivene, but this may be one way your doctor could get it covered.

-You could try submitting it to an insurance as a "therapy." Because, it is technically "nutritional therapy."

-In some cases, you may be able to submit it to medicare or your child's insurance as another sort of therapy, depending on how it has helped your child.

We have not tried to get it covered by insurance, since it seems like it would be a battle to try to have that done. We've been buying Nutrivene-D for almost 7 years now and God continues to provide!

If anyone has anymore information on how to get insurance or medicare to cover your child's nutritional supplementation, I'd be interested to hear it!

Country Girl Designs

1 comment:

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