Monday, October 24, 2011

31 for 21: Shirts & Bumper Stickers

Several years ago, I think it's been 5 years or so, I made up a few Down Syndrome Awareness shirts and bumper stickers. Several of us have these shirts. I particularly like to wear the "My brother has Down Syndrome. He wasn't terminated. He's loved" shirt.

I don't know that I've ever shared these on the blog, but thought I would now!

A few of the shirts are pictured below. They are available in My Son, My Daughter, My Brother, My Sister, My Cousin, My Friend, My Grandson, My Granddaughter, My Niece & My Nephew.

The shirts can all be ordered from here.

A few of the bumper stickers can be seen here as well. The rest can be seen over here, where they can also be ordered.

Country Girl Designs


  1. Hi! What about a Tee Shirt saying I wasn't Terminated, I am loved!

  2. hi! I think the link for the T shirts is the wrong one. Can you repost please? And let me know when you do? (I have to log in on a certain computer, and turn on a special program for me to access your blog, from here in China. I want to order a few t shirts. Thanks)



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