Tuesday, November 1, 2011

31 for 21: Giveaway!!

All other posts are below this giveaway. Scroll down to see the other posts on the blog!

As many of my readers probably know, a couple years ago my mom and I published a book called Down Syndrome: What You CAN Do. We put together articles and stories from doctors, therapists, professionals, parents, families, etc to share that you can do for people with Down Syndrome.

So, I thought I would do a giveaway of the book on the blog! This giveaway will end November 1st at 11:59pm. A random winner will be drawn on November 2nd using random.org and the winner will be notified via the blog and email!

To enter the giveaway:

Simply leave a comment here. For additional entries, you can do one or all of the following options, just be sure to mention it in your comment here or leave additional comments for each additional entry.

1. Tweet about the giveaway (link back to this post or to the blog!)
2.Share about the giveaway on Facebook
3. Blog about the giveaway on your blog

Have fun and we'll see who the winner is!

To give a little more detailed info on it:

Down Syndrome: What You CAN Do was written to give parents and families hope through positive and truthful information about Down syndrome.

While this book is an invaluable resource for families when they first hear their child has or will be born with Down syndrome, it is also very helpful for families who are already on the journey of raising a child with Down syndrome.

This book is an excellent reference for doctors and other professionals to assist when giving a diagnosis, both prenatally and postnatally.Down Syndrome: What You CAN Do was written to give parents and families hope through positive and truthful information about Down syndrome.

While this book is an invaluable resource for families when they first hear their child has or will be born with Down syndrome, it is also very helpful for families who are already on the journey of raising a child with Down syndrome.

This book is an excellent reference for doctors and other professionals to assist when giving a diagnosis, both prenatally and postnatally.

Down Syndrome: What You CAN Do covers many topics, beginning with a chapter which deals with the acceptance and capability of children with DS. Other chapters include how to breastfeed a child with Down syndrome, nutritional intervention, and more. Important medical information including heart defects, thyroid concerns, and gastrointestinal problems are discussed. Some of the other chapters detail what can be done through early intervention such as oral motor speech therapy, physical therapy and other therapies. Adoption stories and adoption resources for families are provided. Many stories from parents and siblings are featured to give support to those who read this book. A long list of support groups & recommended books are also included.

The forward of the book is written by self advocate, Karen Gaffney and the introduction is written by Dr. Lawrence Leichtman.

Some Reviews:

“The book is excellent and filled with a lot of great resources.” Donald Michael, MD, PC

"When I received the book, after glancing through it, I plunked it into my husband's lap and said, ‘That's all the things I have been reading about and researching these past 5 years.’ Now it's all in one place, with research references to back everything up" Gail Udell, Co-founder/Co-President Emerald Family Down Syndrome Network

A 15 page preview of the book can be seen by clicking here. Click on "Preview" below the picture of the book.

The book can be ordered from the following places:

*$22.73 + shipping for a hard copy of the book.
$5.00 for an e-Book version of the book.

International Nutrition
*$27.95 + shipping for a hard copy of the book.

The book can also be ordered through Amazon, Barnes & Noble and many other online book stores. You should be able to look the ISBN up at any bookstore and have it ordered.

Country Girl Designs


  1. You are so fortunate to have so many family members. It sounds like everyone is on the same wavelength with helping out. Writing a book that gives others hope == that is a major contribution to the world of Down syndrome because when you help empower parents that also empowers people who have Down syndrome. I remember when my Joe was little. Someone wrote a negative developmental evaluation and I was so angry because I felt no one has the right to take away my hope for my child's future. That is what your book is doing for families - it gives families hope, light and cheer- all of which are greatly needed for the task of raising a child who has Down syndrome.

  2. Tweeted and Facebooked, will blog about it later :)

  3. Hi Qadoshyah, I am so proud of you for writing this book. I would love a copy and I am sharing this on facebook.

  4. Thank you for your tireless research and helpful posts. Your blog has been an inspiration to my family.

  5. Thank your for your tireless research and helpful blog entries. My family has found inspiration in your story.

  6. OOPS just noticed my posts are duplicates....not intentional although I would love to win the book..I simply didn't think I was "sending."

  7. I have just discovered your blog and am enjoying it so much. I have an adorable 2 year old daughter with Down syndrome and would love a chance at your book! It looks like just what I have been searching for!

  8. I already own the E-book but I fantasize about having ten copies on hand! To leave at the Pediatrician, Ob/GYN, and Therapy centers in town!

  9. I've been wanting this book for a while!

  10. I'd love to have a copy of your book. I just discovered your weblog and need to go back through the posts.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  11. love your blog and would love this book. i'm trying to get our library to get it!

  12. I just found your blog in my daily research on topics for my son born with DS. This is a great blog! You have a lot of valuable information. Thanks for taking the time to SHARE with others.

  13. As the mom of a 5 year old with DS I'm interested in reading the book

  14. Hi Qadoshyah,

    As the homeschooling mother of 10 children, our youngest having DS, I have often read your comments and appreciated your insights.

    Have a great day, Stacey


We enjoy reading the comments and thoughts from everyone! Leave us a note and it will be posted after I have read it :).