Friday, September 16, 2011

Using Probiotics

International Nutrition sells a good probiotic called Bio-Kult. It is recommended on the GAPS diet by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride. I've used it myself a few times. My brother, sister & dad who are on the GAPS diet have not used it, as we feel they get enough probiotic in the homemade kefir & yogurt. And haven't seemed to need anything more. But, I know some friends on the GAPS diet who are using this, because they have more intense bowel issues, which needs more probiotics.

You will of course read differing opinions on almost everything it seems. My Aunt ran across a site that highly discouraged the use of Bio-Kult because of the bifidobacterium in it. The site which discouraged the use of Bio-Kult was a site that strongly supported the SCD (Specific Carbohydrate Diet). That diet is good for some, but it does not do the gut healing which GAPS does. So, I did some research and could not find any other source which said the bifido was bad to have in a probiotic. In fact, I found just the opposite on many sites. I found that it is actually one of the best probiotics.

I went ahead and asked International Nutrition about it, since I figured they would have an answer. They got back with me last week with the answer below (sharing with permission).

There is absolutely no evidence at all the Bifidobacterium are harmful in the SCD, to people with inflammatory bowel disease, to people in general healthy or not. This is simply a myth. Bifidobacterium are used with benefit in people with inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and other disorders. I do not know of a case of Bifidobacterium overgrowth. Most people following the SCD just ignore this recommendation from Elaine Gottachall. Numerous children with autism follow the SCD and most of them are on probiotics with Bifidobacterium in them.
Quote from: Dr. Stephen Olmstead, Chief Scientific Officer at Prothera/Klaire Labs (he was asked because they work closely with people on the SCD diet).

I thought I would share with others, in case there is more confusion.

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