Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: "Kick-Ball" Saves

Couldn't have a completely Wordless Wednesday post!

Sundays are one of O's favorite days, since it's "Kick-Ball", as he calls it, or Soccer time. (some of his brothers [one of his brothers is in the pics here], cousins & dad play in a local league).

Country Girl Designs


  1. What an awesome save! We love "kick-ball" around here too. :) Oh, and I think "kick-ball" is a much better name for the game, since that's what you do in the game.

  2. Yes:

    and you save and you pass.

    Love the orange uniforms and the goalposts which could almost swallow you up.

    Great Wordless Wednesday, Q.

  3. Thanks guys :). My 19 year old brother (in the pictures) is quite an amazing goalie. God's definitely given him a lot of talent!


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