Friday, August 12, 2011

Survey about Jobs for People with DS by Libby Kumin

 This came through one of the Down Syndrome listservs I'm on and I thought I'd pass the information a long.


Employment/Unemployment/Jobs Survey for People with Down Syndrome Information is being collected by Libby Kumin, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

There is currently no information available on employment and unemployment  status for adults with Down syndrome. There is also no information describing
where people work and the kinds of jobs they do. We all need that information in order to document the current situation and advocate for job training programs,
funding and more variety and choices in jobs.

The purpose of this survey is to begin to collect that information. So, it is important for you to fill out and return this survey whether you are working in paid or
volunteer jobs, not currently working, or are in a training program to prepare you for jobs. The survey is designed for parents/caregivers and their adult children
with Down syndrome, ages 18-50 years old.
Please post the link on list serves and in your newsletters. Send the link to your friends. You can also copy the survey into your newsletters or hand it out in paper copy at meetings and send it back to me by regular mail.

The survey will be online at Survey Monkey from July 20–December 31, 2011. Everyone’s response is important. 

Together we can make a difference!

This is the link for my survey:

Libby Kumin
Loyola University
Dept. of Speech-Language Pathology/Audiology
4501 North Charles Street
Baltimore , MD 21210

Country Girl Designs

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