Monday, August 1, 2011

Nutrivene Formula Changes

International Nutrition made several changes to the Nutrivene-D Daily Supplement a couple months ago. I was going to post up as to what they were sometime ago, but I kept forgetting. So, here we go!
"Addition of Vitamin K2 (as Menaquionone-7) at 100mcg at ful dosage. -Research suggests that Vitamin K promotes cardiovascular health, healthy bones, and cartilage.
Increase in Vitamin D3 to 2000IU at full dosage. -Studies indicate that Vitamin D improves immune function, aids calcium absorption in the gut, promotes modulation of cell growth, and reduces inflammation.
Ingredient source change in Vitamin E from Succinate to Mixed Tocopherols, a more nutritionally complete form of E. - Vitamin E is important for heart health and plays a critical role in protecting cell membranes by neutralizing free radicals.
Removal of Blueberry Extract as possible allergens.
Removal of Curcumin as possible gastrointestinal issue in some individuals."
The removal of  Blueberry Extract is kind of disappointing, as I was glad we didn't need to supplement extra Blueberry because it was already in it. So, that now means that it's time to start supplementing blueberry extract again. We used to do it years ago before Nutrivene had Blueberry in it.

The removal of Curcumin is not that big of a deal, as the full Trisomy 21 Research Foundation Recommended Protocol recommeds using Longvida Curcumin, which is a better, more viable source of Curcumin.

Country Girl Designs

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