Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The book is on Barnes & Noble and more online stores!

I did a random search today for my name just to see what would come up. And what do you know, I found some useful information!

Our book, Down Syndrome: What You CAN Do, is available at Barnes & Noble, Amazon.ca (Good for Canadian families), Amazon.co.uk (Good for European families) and many other online bookstores. I have no way of knowing how many of these books are sold, so I can only hope that the book is actually reaching a larger audience than we know!

How exciting!

Here are the links:

Amazon.ca (Canadian families!)
Amazon.co.uk (European families!)

I also found a few other miscellaneous online bookstores that carry it. Some of the prices are a fair amount higher than just the retail price (which the 3 links above have). But I thought I'd include them here.


Of course, if you get it directly from the printer, LuLu.com, it's the cheapest. But, sometimes it may not be the easiest, especially for the Canadian or European families. This is the direct link to the book, http://stores.lulu.com/gotdownsyndrome.

And there is also the book available at Nutrivene.com.

Country Girl Designs

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