Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Life On The Ranch: 4th of July!

Well, we had a busy, fun filled holiday weekend. I hope you all had a good 4th of July as well :)!

Sunday was the last soccer game of the season for my brothers & dad, so they have a few weeks off until the fall season starts.

The 4th was a busy day with fishing, swimming and then a neighborhood BBQ.

We had an all gluten-free, cow-milk (dairy) free BBQ. It was all delicious and there was so much food! And then of course we had a bunch of fireworks to shoot off once it got dark. It was such a beautiful evening for the party also. We're very blessed!

Heading down to the pond....

O & I fishing....


Yay! O caught a fish (with a little help :))...

O is holding the fishing rod here, you just can't see him...

Just a cool reflection picture ...

Once O caught his fish, he was done with fishing and just held the baby goat. Until he got warm and then he was ready to swim in the pool!

A couple of my sisters attempting to fish...

One of my brothers reeling a fish in on the other side of the pond...

And another one of my brothers bringing a fish over to the ice chest...

All in all, we caught 8 catfish!

Now, a few pictures from the BBQ & fireworks.

Cookies & candies made by my little sister...

All the food....

And then the desserts.

Homemade goat milk ice cream.

Homemade blackberry cobbler...

Of course we had Sparklers...

And then some of the bigger fireworks.


1 comment:

  1. What a blessing it is to have a large family. I am jelous.
    Thank you for letting us into a glimpse of your joy.


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