Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Down But Not Out

Last year, New Zealand introduced a new blood test as part of an improved screening programme for Down Syndrome. But a group of parents provocatively calls it eugenics; the practice of selective breeding of the human race. Because worldwide data shows the better the testing programme, the more Down Syndrome pregnancies are terminated.

60 Minutes reporter Paula Penfold meets those who live with Down Syndrome to see what kind of lives they do lead, and asks the question at the heart of the issue: should they, or shouldn't they have been born?

You can watch the video at this link.

As I've said before, I would agree that improved screening will more than likely equal a higher rate of abortion for prenatally diagnosed babies with Down syndrome. Statistics already show that. over 90% of babies with Down syndrome prenatally diagnosed are aborted. And it's really disheartening.

It would be great if the testing was accepted and provided as a way to provide the best possible care for the unborn baby. But, our society is so turned on it's head, that's it's used for the opposite, to destroy the baby.


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