Sunday, April 10, 2011

Life On The Ranch: Chores

Just in the fact that we have such a large family there are going to be lots of chores! But, add in ranch life to that and you add a whole lot more chores.

O thoroughly enjoys helping with any chores possible. Loading & unloading the dishwasher is a favorite of his, but we're talking about outside chores right now. There's always lots to do:

Feed the cats
Feed & water the bunnies
Feed & water the goats & sheep
Feed & water the chickens & turkeys
Feed the dogs
Milk the goats
Bottle baby goats & lambs
And always something when an animal gives birth.

It's kidding season at the moment, which means lots of goats are having babies. The children always like watching & helping with the goat births if possible.

Here is O & his sister drying off a couple of twins that were born.

And just for fun, a really cute picture of a baby goat (she naturally has "no ears", it's the kind of breed she is, LaMancha).

Peeking at the turkeys in their "tractor."

Feeding the sheep & goats

They have it down to a science and know exactly where & what all the animals need.

And checking the chickens...which involves moving them to another place in their "tractor" or collecting eggs




  1. I see the children have a grasp on one scientific method: observation.

    Great, too, to see the goats being born and dried off!

  2. I see the children have a grasp on one scientific method: observation.

    Great, too, to see the goats being born and dried off!


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