Monday, October 25, 2010

31 for 21: Not What I'd Planned, But.....

Well, I've had a long day out and about and it definitely wasn't as planned. I was going to put a nice, informative post about some topic up today, but God had different plans for me today and I spent my day going to our little town first thing in the morning and then all way up to Tulsa with most of the family for the rest of the day. So, I'm quite tired out with a headache. This post is going to be a short post on something I found on another blog. I'll just quote the blog here to make it easier :).

Michelle over at Big Blueberry Eyes posted information about a study that a Virgina University is doing on people who have a sibling with Down syndrome. Here's the information, pass on to those who may be able to help with the study!

Virginia Commonwealth University is conducting a study on the effects of having a sibling with Down syndrome.

They are looking for siblings age 7 and older who have a brother or sister with Down syndrome and how it positively and negatively influences the following:

- The sibling's personality
- The sibling's relationship with his or her sibling with Down syndrome
- The sibling's relationships with his or her parents
Parents are also invited to take the survey to compare with the siblings' responses in order to examine how closely related parents' and siblings' perceptions are regarding the positive and negative impacts on the sibling from living with a brother or sister with Down syndrome.

By choosing to participate in this survey you will help researchers to better understand both the rewards and challenges that families experience as a result of having a child with Down syndrome. This research will also assist parents towards gaining insight into their well-child's experiences and feelings. Participants can register to be eligible for one of two $50 gift cards to Amazon.

For siblings 18 and older
For siblings 17 and younger
For parents
Good night & hopefully a "deeper" blog post will come tomorrow (by God's grace) :)!


1 comment:

  1. Maybe you could all sit down as a family and do the survey.

    They might well learn a lot about mega-families and their support systems.


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