Thursday, October 7, 2010

31 for 21: Love, Laura Project

I recently "met" a young woman named, Ashley, on one of the online DS message boards. (Come to find out, she is a follower of my blog :)!) Anyways, her little baby sister, Laura, has Down syndrome.

Ashley blogs at Dear Laura...Love, Sissy. She is also a photographer and has adorable pictures of her sister on her blog. 

Ashley's sister has inspired her to start a project called the "Love, Laura Project." I will quote directly from Ashley's blog so you can see what it is about,
For all of you local families here in Southern California that has a child(or adult) with designer genes, I want to do something for you! I want to photograph your son or daughter for free of charge. It will include a one hour photo session of them and a CD with all of your images on it. It will be a way for me and my family to be able to meet local families that are going through or have gone through the same things we have and it'll give me a chance to give something to all of you wonderful families who have been through so much.

So, anyone in the Southern California area, contact Ashley to have some beautiful pictures taken of your loved one with Down syndrome :)! You can contact Ashley here.



  1. Now this is a profitable niche from a good friend!

  2. Oh mannnn! I leave an open invite to visit VT! Lucky SOcal'ers! Love your blog BTW.


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