Tuesday, October 12, 2010

31 for 21: Life On The Ranch...Tulsa State Fair

The Tulsa State Fair ended this past weekend and the rabbit show was from Friday-Sunday. So, since I raise rabbits, I had some entered in the show. We were up bright and early Sunday morning to head to the fair for the show. And since we had to be at the fair until 3pm (for checkout), my mom and some of the kids who were with me spent some time checking out the TSF.

Even though we've lived out here in Oklahoma for 2 years, we've never been to the TSF. It's  HUGE fair, so they only scratched the surface of what they went and watched. In the other half of the climate controlled barn the rabbit show was in, was a big petting zoo and the birthing center. The birthing center was put on by the vet school at OSU. They had pigs with piglets, a live surgery room, goats & sheep with babies. It was pretty cool. So, I'll leave ya with a few pictures from the fair.

Percheron horses being prepped to pull a wagon:

Checking out the camel:

Feeding an Emu:

Petting a turtle:

And we happened to not get any pictures of the rabbit show...oh well.


1 comment:

  1. Amazing.

    Hope you are able to get pictures next year, or a kind person is able to pass them to you.


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