Friday, October 29, 2010

31 for 21: Life On The Ranch....Piglets

I figured I'd do a "life on the ranch" post, since I haven't done too many this month.

A couple weeks ago we had my brother's sow had 7 piglets. The kids all got to watch the piglets be born and they all had a good time :). Osiyyah was thrilled to have little piglets. Shortly after the piglets were born, Osiyyah & I went on a short little walk through the pasture. Since I didn't get to put these pictures up right after that, I will do it now.

Standing on the dry bed of the pond....

The goats in the pasture...

Osiyyah running on a path the sheep have made...

Running up the hill...

And of course the goats heard us and had to follow us out there...

Then we ran down the hill, but held hands, so Osiyyah didn't fall and wipe out on the rocky ground...

The goats in the forest...

And finally to the piglets...they were just about a week old here.

We stayed down there for a long time...Osiyyah didn't want to leave!

Big mama pig with a baby...

And a recent picture of a few of the piglets with mama...

We are so blessed to live out here and be able to do all this!


1 comment:

  1. I think I can quite see why O didn't want to leave.

    The pigs (and of course the goats) have such character!


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