Friday, October 15, 2010

31 for 21: DS Listservs & Forums

Over the years, I've been on a lot of various message boards and email lists for DS. A lot of them I gave up a long time ago, because they didn't have the information and knowledge I was looking for. But, as the years have gone by, there are a handful that I go to regularly and that are very helpful.

The first one would be the,

Einstein Syndrome Listserv
*This listserv is very helpful and open minded for all. They discuss everything from natural remedies to drug therapies, dual diagnosis's, TNI, biochemical stuff and so much more. The folks on the ES list answered so many of the questions we had in the first few months with Osiyyah. And the archives of the list are full of valuable information.

Second would be the,

DSTNI Yahoo! Group
*This group is for those researching, looking into or using TNI. It's also a very helpful listserv and Dr. Leichtman is on this list to help answer questions.

Those are my top two favorites, but some other good ones, that I'm on are,

DownSyndromeInfoExchange Yahoo! Group

Life's Journey with Down Syndrome
*This is a pro-life DS message board.


1 comment:

  1. The Einstein Syndrome list is a great one. I first heard of it in 2001-02, so it's been around a long time. And it has changed a great deal of thinking.

    If you're a researcher and the information isn't there, it can be most frustrating. Don't be afraid to chop and change.


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