Wednesday, September 8, 2010

10 percent off of Down Syndrome: What You CAN Do

I received a coupon today from LuLu, the company which publishes our book for 10% off. You can order our book from the link right at the top of this blog, or by clicking here.

So, if anyone wants to order an eBook or print copy of our book, Down Syndrome: What You CAN Do, you can get 10% off by entering the coupon code below. It's good until Septembe 30, 2010. Pass onto anyone you know who may be interested :)!

Coupon Code to enter at checkout: AUTUMN

If you've bought our book, we'd love to hear. So, leave us a comment and let us know how it has helped or what you think of it :)!


1 comment:

  1. I'm still engrossed in the book and will definitely give you feed-back with questions as soon I get done, it is far thicker than I thought it would be, which was a pleasant surprise! Thanks for all the information.


We enjoy reading the comments and thoughts from everyone! Leave us a note and it will be posted after I have read it :).