Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Why I Blog . . .

Alysha from Blessed With More Than Deserved left a comment on one of the blog posts here. I thought I'd share it and expound on it more.
I just had to stop by and leave you a REALLY BIG Thanks :D Your blog & all the time you've invested in helping other families has been such a huge blessing & educating tool in my life. Thank you for all your time & for the willingness to share all your findings. Your blog award is 100% earned (I think you should have been #1, but 2 ain't bad :) Keep up the great job Q...we moms need you & God for sure knew what He was doing by placing O so perfectly where he belongs in your family. God bless, Alysha
Alysha has two little boys with Down syndrome. One biological, Eli and one adopted from the Ukraine, Issac. Shortly after bringing Issac home last year, Alysha emailed me asking for more information about Longvida Curcumin and waiting for me to post an update on this blog about it. This was a bit over a year ago and I wasn't keeping the blog very updated. So, her email spurred me on to regularly blog, because I realized I actually had people reading the blog looking for information. And, so I've been a pretty regular blogger for over the last year and I'm so glad I've been able to help families.

Everything from one of my biggest passions in the Down syndrome world - research on nutrition to help people with DS - to another one of my favorite subjects - speech & oral motor therapy - and anything random in between. It's been great to be able to blog regularly and have people benefit from it.

That's why we wrote our book. To help other families who have children with Down syndrome. I know we would've benefited greatly from a blog like this or a book like ours (in fact we found a book similar - Circle of Friends II, but it was out of print) when Osiyyah was first born. But, he was 8+ months old before we found the Circle of Friends II book or anything along these lines. I get emails fairly regularly from new families thanking me for the book and saying it's been such a huge help.

When my brother was born, I purposed to do everything I could for him. Out of love for my wonderful little brother, and knowing how the knowledge and information I've learned over the last 5+ years has helped HIM tremendously, I share, because I know it will (and has) helped others.


1 comment:

We enjoy reading the comments and thoughts from everyone! Leave us a note and it will be posted after I have read it :).