Friday, August 6, 2010

A Way to Encourage the "S" sound

Osiyyah's speech therapist is very hands-on and uses a lot of "cues" to help a kid say certain sounds. This has been VERY helpful for Osiyyah, because he is so visually oriented when it comes to learning new things.

This is one cue she has used to help Osiyyah get the "S" sound at the end of or in certain words. It has worked quite well for Osiyyah.

Take the child's arm, put your finger at the child's elbow and "draw" an "S"/snake shape along the child's arm and "land" in the palm of the child's hand. When you start say "sssss" and say that the whole way until you "land" at the end. Then have the child say the sound while you are "drawing" the "S" or snake on the child's arm.



  1. any ideas for "m"? Lauren still has her tongue out when she says 'm' so it sounds more like an 'n' sound.

  2. any ideas for "m"? Lauren still has her tongue out when she says 'm' so it sounds more like an 'n' sound.

  3. The PROMPT command for the "M" sound is ~ .

    You may also like to try this spoon feeding technique that helps discourage tongue thrust (if she is still being spoon fed) ~


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