Friday, August 13, 2010

Back At The Ranch

I know I kept the blog posts coming up and then there hasn't been anything since Monday! I was out of town from the end of July until early Tuesday morning, but I had put up a bunch of scheduled posts to keep the blog going. Since I've been home, it's taken a few days to get caught up on things on the computer, unpacking, things around the ranch, plus every day life.

Some of my family & friends traveled out to California. It was a long trip, but very good. Driving 25 hours straight from California to Oklahoma is probably the toughest part of the trip :). Thankfully multiple drivers helps a lot . . . and having a cab-over camper!

A storm in New Mexico (or Arizona, can't remember) on the way out . . .

Coming back through New Mexico on the way home . . .

Well, that's where I've been lately. I'm glad to be home and I'll continue to keep you all updated with interesting posts, Lord willing.


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