Friday, July 16, 2010

Blog Giveaway Winners!

Thanks to those who entered in the drawing. I decided to choose two winners for the blog giveaway! So, with the help of, the winners are:

First winner - 

#3 ~ Annie H.
"Wesleybear said...
I would love to have a blog!! This would be a chance to start. Wesley is thriving and so happy, and I am sure the Longvida Curcumin has been the cause of his recent progress in his processing skills. The speech has yet to come but he is trying harder than ever!!

Thanks Country Girl!!! Annie"

Second winner - 

#5 ~ Dave Hingsburger
" Dave Hingsburger said...
Howdy, I'd love a blog redesign, I'm not good at that kind of thing. So please enter me in your draw."

Congratulations to the winners! I look forward to designing your blogs for you :). I'll be in contact with you via email today!


1 comment:

We enjoy reading the comments and thoughts from everyone! Leave us a note and it will be posted after I have read it :).